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privacy policy

privacy policy

Vega Light Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company"), regarding the handling of user's personal information in the services provided on this website (hereinafter referred to as "the service"), The privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as "this policy") is established as follows.

Article 1 (personal information)

"Personal information" refers to "personal information" as referred to in the Personal Information Protection Law, and is information about living individuals, including the name, date of birth, address, telephone number, contact information, etc. included in the information. It refers to the information that can identify a specific individual according to the description, etc., and the information that can identify a specific individual from the relevant information alone such as facial data, fingerprints, voiceprint data, and the insurer number on a health insurance card (personal identification information). ..

Article 2 (How to collect personal information)

We may ask for personal information such as name, date of birth, address, telephone number, e-mail address, bank account number, credit card number, driver's license number when registering for use. In addition, the transaction records including the user's personal information made between the user and the business partner, and information related to payment are included in our business partners (including information providers, advertisers, advertisement distribution destinations, etc.). It may be collected from "partners."

Article 3 (Purpose of collecting and using personal information)

The purposes for which we collect and use personal information are as follows.

  1. To provide and operate our services

  2. To answer inquiries from users (including verifying your identity)

  3. To send emails about new features, updates, campaigns, etc. of the service the user is using and other services offered by the Company

  4. To contact you as needed for maintenance, important information, etc.

  5. In order to identify users who have violated the Terms of Use or who intend to use the service for unauthorized or improper purposes, and to refuse the use

  6. In order for users to view, change, delete, and view the usage status of their registered information

  7. To charge users for usage fees for paid services

  8. Purposes associated with the above purposes

Article 4 (Change of purpose of use)

  1. The Company will change the purpose of use of personal information only when it is reasonably recognized that the purpose of use is relevant to that before the change.

  2. When the purpose of use is changed, the purpose after change will be notified to the user or announced on this website by the method prescribed by the Company.

Article 5 (Provision of personal information to a third party)

  1. The Company, with the exception of the following cases, without previously obtaining the user's consent, the first never to provide personal information to the three parties. However, this does not apply if permitted by the Personal Information Protection Law and other laws.

    1. When it is necessary to protect the life, body or property of a person and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.

    2. When it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the healthy development of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person

    3. In cases where it is necessary for a national institution or local public entity or a person entrusted with it to carry out the affairs stipulated by law, and with the consent of the person concerned, the execution of the affairs may be hindered. When there is a risk

    4. When the following matters have been announced or announced in advance and the Company has notified the Personal Information Protection Committee.

      1. Including provision to a third party for the purpose of use

      2. Items of data provided to third parties

      3. Means or method of provision to a third party

      4. Stop providing personal information to third parties at the request of the person

      5. How to accept the request of the person

  2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in the following cases, the information shall not be provided to a third party.

    1. When we entrust all or part of the handling of personal information within the range necessary to achieve the purpose of use

    2. When personal information is provided due to business succession due to merger or other reasons

    3. When jointly using personal information with a specific person, to that effect, items of personal information jointly used, scope of jointly used person, purpose of use of the person and When the name or name of the person who is responsible for the management of the personal information is notified to the person in advance or placed in a state where the person can easily know it.

Article 6 (disclosure of personal information)

  1. When the person requests the disclosure of personal information, the company will disclose it to the person without delay. However, if any of the following applies due to disclosure, we may not disclose all or part of it, and if we decide not to disclose it, we will notify you without delay. A fee of 1,000 yen will be charged for each disclosure of personal information.

    1. When there is a risk of harming the life, body, property or other rights and interests of the person or third party

    2. When there is a possibility that it will significantly hinder the proper implementation of our business

    3. In case of violating other laws and regulations

  2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, information other than personal information such as history information and characteristic information will not be disclosed in principle.

Article 7 (Correction and deletion of personal information)

  1. When the user's own personal information is incorrect, the user corrects, adds or deletes the personal information to the company by the procedure specified by the company (hereinafter referred to as "correction"). ) Can be charged.

  2. When the Company receives the request from the user and determines that it is necessary to comply with the request, the Company shall correct the personal information without delay.

  3. We will notify the user without delay if we make corrections based on the provisions of the preceding paragraph, or if we decide not to make corrections.

Article 8 (suspension of use of personal information, etc.)

  1. The Company suspends or deletes the use of personal information from the person because the personal information is handled beyond the scope of the purpose of use, or because it has been obtained by improper means (hereinafter, "use If you are asked to "Stop, etc."), we will conduct the necessary investigation without delay.

  2. If it is determined that it is necessary to comply with the request based on the survey results in the preceding paragraph, we will stop using the personal information without delay.

  3. We will notify the user without delay if we suspend the use based on the provisions of the preceding paragraph, or if we decide not to suspend the use.

  4. Notwithstanding the preceding two paragraphs, if there is a large amount of cost to suspend the use or if it is difficult to suspend the use, etc., it is possible to take alternative measures necessary to protect the rights and interests of the user. If this is the case, we shall take this alternative.

Article 9 (Change of privacy policy)

  1. The contents of this policy can be changed without notifying the user, except for laws and other matters specified otherwise in this policy.

  2. Unless otherwise specified by our company, the changed privacy policy will take effect from the time it is posted on this website.

Article 10 (Inquiry window)

For inquiries regarding this policy, please contact the following contact.

Address:1-A-2-3-9, Cyuo, Warabi-shi, Saitama-ken,
Company name: Vega Light Co., Ltd.
E-mail address: akira

that's all

Terms of service

Terms of service

These Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms") are provided by Vega Light Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") on this website (hereinafter referred to as the "Service"). "."). All registered users (hereinafter referred to as "users") will use this service in accordance with this agreement.

Article 1 (application)

  1. This agreement shall apply to all relationships between users and our company regarding the use of this service.

  2. In addition to this agreement, our company may make various provisions (hereinafter referred to as "individual provisions") such as rules for use. These individual rules form part of this agreement, regardless of their name.

  3. If the provisions of this agreement conflict with the provisions of the individual provisions of the preceding article, the individual provisions shall prevail unless otherwise specified in the individual provisions.

Article 2 (use registration)

  1. In this service, the applicant for registration agrees to this agreement, applies for registration of use by the method specified by our company, and our company approves this, and the usage registration shall be completed.

  2. We may not approve the application for use registration if we judge that the applicant for use registration has the following reasons, and we shall not be obliged to disclose the reason.

    1. If you submit false information when applying for use registration

    2. If the application is from a person who has violated these Terms

    3. In addition, if we determine that the usage registration is not appropriate

Article 3 (Management of user ID and password)

  1. The user shall properly manage the user ID and password of this service at his own risk.

  2. In any case, the user cannot transfer or lend the user ID and password to a third party, or share with the third party. When the user logs in with the combination of user ID and password matching the registered information, we consider it to be used by the user himself/herself who has registered that user ID.

  3. The Company shall not be liable for any damages caused by the use of the user ID and password by a third party unless the Company intentionally or made a gross negligence.

Article 4 (use fee and payment method)

  1. The user shall pay the usage charge displayed on this website separately by us as a consideration for the paid part of this service by the method specified by us.

  2. If the user is late in paying the usage fee, the user shall pay the late damages at a rate of 14.6% per year.

Article 5 (Prohibited matters)

The user must not perform the following actions when using this service.

  1. Acts that violate laws or public order and morals

  2. Acts related to criminal acts

  3. Acts that infringe copyrights, trademark rights and other intellectual property rights included in this service, such as the content of this service

  4. Acts that destroy or interfere with the functions of our company, other users, or other third party servers or networks.

  5. Acts of commercially using the information obtained by this service

  6. Acts that may interfere with the operation of our services

  7. Unauthorized access or act of attempting this

  8. The act of collecting or accumulating personal information about other users

  9. Acts of using this service for illegal purposes

  10. Acts that cause disadvantage, damage, or discomfort to other users of this service or other third parties

  11. Act of impersonating another user

  12. Advertising, advertising, solicitation, or business activities on this service that we do not authorize

  13. Actions aimed at encountering unfamiliar opposite sex

  14. The act of directly or indirectly providing profits to antisocial forces in connection with our services.

  15. Other acts that the Company deems inappropriate

Article 6 (suspension of provision of this service)

  1. The Company shall be able to suspend or suspend the provision of all or part of this Service without notifying the user in advance if it judges that there is any of the following reasons.

    1. When performing maintenance or inspection of the computer system related to this service

    2. When it becomes difficult to provide this service due to force majeure such as an earthquake, lightning strike, fire, blackout, or natural disaster

    3. When the computer or communication line is stopped due to an accident

    4. In addition, if we determine that it is difficult to provide this service

  2. The Company shall not be liable for any disadvantage or damage incurred by the user or a third party due to the suspension or interruption of the provision of this service.

Article 7 (Usage restrictions and registration deletion)

  1. The Company, if the user falls under any of the following, can limit the use of all or part of this service to the user or cancel the registration as a user without prior notice. I shall.

    1. Violation of any of the terms of this agreement

    2. When it is found that the registered information has false facts

    3. When payment obligations such as fees are not fulfilled

    4. When there is no response for a certain period of time from our contact

    5. When this service has not been used for a certain period since its last use

    6. In addition, when we judge that the use of this service is not appropriate

  2. Our company will not be liable for any damages caused to users by the actions performed by our company based on this section.

Article 8 (withdrawal)

The user shall be able to withdraw from this service by the withdrawal procedure specified by our company.

Article 9 (Disclaimer of Warranty and Disclaimer)

  1. Our company may have defects in this service, whether it is legal or legal (safety, reliability, accuracy, completeness, effectiveness, suitability for a specific purpose, security-related defects, errors or bugs, infringement of rights, etc. We do not guarantee, either explicitly or implicitly.

  2. We do not take any responsibility for any damage caused to the user by this service. However, if the contract (including this agreement) between our company and the user regarding this service is a consumer contract specified in the Consumer Contract Law, this exemption provision does not apply.

  3. Even in the case specified in the proviso to the preceding paragraph, the Company will not be the one caused by the special circumstances of the damage caused to the user due to the default or the illegal act due to the negligence of the Company (excluding gross negligence). We do not take any responsibility for the occurrence of damages, including the case where the damages are foreseen or predicted. In addition, compensation for damages caused to the user due to default or tort due to our negligence (excluding gross negligence) is limited to the amount of the usage fee received from the user in the month in which the damage occurred.

  4. Our company is not responsible for transactions, communications, disputes, etc. that occur between the user and other users or third parties regarding this service.

Article 10 (change of service content, etc.)

The Company shall be able to change the contents of this service or discontinue the provision of this service without notifying the user and shall not be liable for any damage caused to the user by this.

Article 11 (Change of Terms of Use)

The Company shall be able to change these Terms at any time without notifying the user when it deems necessary . If you start using this service after changing these Terms, it is assumed that the user has agreed to the changed Terms.

Article 12 (Handling of personal information)

We will handle personal information acquired through the use of this service appropriately in accordance with our "Privacy Policy".

Article 13 (Notification or contact)

Notification or contact between the user and our company shall be made by the method specified by our company. Unless otherwise notified by the user in accordance with the method specified by the Company, the Company will consider that the currently registered contact is valid and notify or contact the contact, and these will be notified when the user makes a call. We assume that you have reached.

Article 14 (Prohibition of transfer of rights and obligations)

The user cannot transfer the status in the contract of use or the rights or obligations based on this agreement to a third party or provide collateral without the prior written consent of our company.

Article 15 (Governing Law/Jurisdiction)

  1. In interpreting this agreement, Japanese law shall be the governing law.

  2. If a dispute arises regarding this service, the court that has jurisdiction over the location of our head office shall be the exclusive agreement jurisdiction.

that's all

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